This Sonoma County California ABC Type-47 Full Liquor License can be used on premises for a restaurant or may be converted to a Type 48 for a bar, tavern, or nightclub. This license is transferable to any location in Sonoma County, California.
This license is for a restaurant in the Sonoma County area. The license authorizes the sale of beer, wine, and distilled spirits for consumption on the license's premises. Authorizes the sale of beer and wine for consumption off the license's premises. Must operate and maintain the licensed premises as a bona fide eating place. Must maintain suitable kitchen facilities and must make actual and substantial sales of meals for consumption on the premises. Minors are allowed on the premises.
The list price does not include the ABC fee, the escrow fee & the broker fee, these are all additional costs that will be borne by the Buyer.
To get more information about this Sonoma County On-Sale Type 47 General Eating Place Liquor License for sale please call or text the listing Broker and if you get voicemail, please leave a detailed message.
Disclaimer: The information provided here is compiled from information obtained by the Seller(s). The broker makes no representation as to its accuracy or reliability. Buyer(s) should rely upon their own verification & that of their financial &/or legal advisors with regard to this information.
This Sonoma County California ABC Type-47 Full Liquor License can be used on premises for a restaurant or may be converted to a Type 48 for a bar, tavern, or nightclub. This license is transferable to any location in Sonoma County, California.
This license is for a restaurant in the Sonoma County area. The license authorizes the sale of beer, wine, and distilled spirits for consumption on the license's premises. Authorizes the sale of beer and wine for consumption off the license's premises. Must operate and maintain the licensed premises as a bona fide eating place. Must maintain suitable kitchen facilities and must make actual and substantial sales of meals for consumption on the premises. Minors are allowed on the premises.
The list price does not include the ABC fee, the escrow fee & the broker fee, these are all additional costs that will be borne by the Buyer.
To get more information about this Sonoma County On-Sale Type 47 General Eating Place Liquor License for sale please call or text the listing Broker and if you get voicemail, please leave a detailed message.
Disclaimer: The information provided here is compiled from information obtained by the Seller(s). The broker makes no representation as to its accuracy or reliability. Buyer(s) should rely upon their own verification & that of their financial &/or legal advisors with regard to this information.
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This Sonoma County California ABC Type-47 Full Liquor License can be used on premises for a restaurant or may be converted to a Type 48 for a bar, tavern, or nightclub. This license is transferable to any location in Sonoma County, California.
This license is for a restaurant in the Sonoma County area. The license authorizes the sale of beer, wine, and distilled spirits for consumption on the license's premises. Authorizes the sale of beer and wine for consumption off the license's premises. Must operate and maintain the licensed premises as a bona fide eating place. Must maintain suitable kitchen facilities and must make actual and substantial sales of meals for consumption on the premises. Minors are allowed on the premises.
The list price does not include the ABC fee, the escrow fee & the broker fee, these are all additional costs that will be borne by the Buyer.
To get more information about this Sonoma County On-Sale Type 47 General Eating Place Liquor License for sale please call or text the listing Broker and if you get voicemail, please leave a detailed message.
Disclaimer: The information provided here is compiled from information obtained by the Seller(s). The broker makes no representation as to its accuracy or reliability. Buyer(s) should rely upon their own verification & that of their financial &/or legal advisors with regard to this information.
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